Our custom design e-commerce website features the following:

Unlimited Pages, Unlimited Products (with up to 300 added for you)

Fully responsive for mobile and tablet, SSL Certificate Included

CDN (if requested), 5GB Storage

On page SEO optimisation. PDF Guide to SEO for products

2 Branded Emails

Three hours on site work within the first month of the site being live



Custom Design E-commerce Website

Our custom design e-commerce website features the following: Unlimited Pages, Unlimited Products (with up to 300 added for you)

Fully responsive for mobile and tablet, SSL Certificate Included

CDN (if requested), 5GB Storage

On page SEO optimisation, PDF Guide to SEO for products

2 Branded Emails

Three hours on site work within the first month of the site being live


Great for small to medium or growing businesses to showcase their product ranges and to maximise on sales.

All site builds include a Privacy Policy page and a Terms and Conditions page as standard.

Please note however, that these are templates only and may need to be adapted to your area of business.

Website design does not include copywriting services however I can highly recommend several copywriters that I have worked with should you need someone to compile the text for your website.

If employing a copywriter, site design will start upon receipt of copy.

Payment for this product is via Bank Transfer and is 50% at point of order and 50% upon completion of the project.

Price shown is the total of two payments for a completed project.

As an experienced e-commerce website designer I understand how difficult it can be to find the right designer for your site.

As such you can view some of my custom work here.


What should you expect when your purchase is completed?

When we receive an order for a custom build order we will contact you via email in the first instance.

This will be to find out more about your business/personal website needs and to give you the opportunity to book in for a chat should you have any queries.

Upon receiving a response to this email we will respond with a contract for you to complete and return and a questionnaire which will need to be returned via email within a fortnight.

The questionnaire should be completed with as much information as possible in order for the site design to start in a timely manner. The more information you provide, the faster I can complete your site.


Your responsibilities:

Please ensure that you have the relevant licenses or rights to use imagery that you provide for use on your website.

It is your responsibility to provide information in a timely manner and you should be aware that I reserve the right to stop work on a site if information is not received and begins to affect my workflow. Please see contract for more details.