Are You Ready To Shine Online

With Kath T Web Design?

If you’ve found me (and it looks like you have) then it’s likely that you’ve been searching the internet or social media for website designers or perhaps we move in similar networking circles and you’ve received my name as a recommendation.

However you’ve found me, I’m glad that you have. I love nothing more than helping businesses find and develop their space to shine online. 

Kath T Web Design

Who am I?

Firstly and foremostly I’m a mum of three. I know! Not always what you expect a business person to say but the truth is they are my why. They drive me mad every day but they are why I strive to better myself and why I’m where I am today.

Where am I? Well I’m usually found sat in my home office creating websites for small to medium sized businesses or sprinkling some SEO sparkle on someones site.

But enough about me, how can I help you?

I can help you to get a foothold on the internet without it costing you a small fortune. Whether you’re looking for a website build with a one-off investment or if you’d rather pay monthly for a service, at Kath T Web Design I have something that will ensure you Shine Online.

Ready to have a chat about your needs?

Book your discovery call today to find out more about how I can help you.

Not ready to have a chat yet? That’s OK, I know it can be daunting taking that first step. Perhaps you’d like to see what the differences between the Website packages are at Kath T Web Design.

Website Design Packages

Not sure that you need a website?

That’s OK, I understand. It’s not always easy to see the benefits of having a website especially when it comes with the need to learn how to use another system with the possibility of it creating more work for you (Although I do make this as painless as possible for clients).

Many small businesses thrive by using online market places and social media to make sales however these platforms offer no long term security. As business owners we have very little control over our visibility on these platforms aside from paying for ads. The truth is you’ll always be at the mercy of the algorithms.

Frustrating isn’t it.

Investing in a website means you have total control over your content, your email list and your future.

I mean imagine putting all your eggs in one basket (etsy for example) and then waking one morning to find that the company has banned you and removed your account.

This really can happen.

Would you be able to reach out to your customers? Would your sales just stop?

It doesn’t have to be that way.


If you’re sure you really don’t need or want a website then you may be looking to expand your reach through digital marketing. Posting on social media, growing a Facebook group, or building an automated email list, why not join us in our Kath T Web Design Facebook Group, Shine Online Digital Marketing Support to learn more about how these methods can be utilized to build your business.